5 questions for our 5th birthday: an interview with Founders, Karol and Adam

Marketing Manager

Studio Software is celebrating 5 years in business! It’s an excellent time to stop for a moment and reflect. Check out our interview with founders Adam and Karol, where they share the story behind Studio Software. Learn more about our culture, inspiring projects, and future goals and plans!

birthday studio software

1. Let’s start with a simple question. How did it all start?

Adam: Ok, let’s start from the very beginning and maybe answer the question of how our adventure with the IT industry began in general. To be honest, for as long as I remember, my interests included science and technology; but my interest in programming came by accident. I quickly discovered that it was my thing and I had a talent for it. I met Karol during our studies, and it turned out that he was developing his skills in the IT field too. The opportunity came when we prepared a functional web and mobile application for the World Games 2017 as part of our engineering degree. We were very excited because our work was included in the TOP 10 best projects. In the meantime, various opportunities began to appear and we started to think about running our own business. 

Karol: My background is a bit different. I have been interested in creating websites for a long time. As a teenager, I started creating simple websites, which was very engaging, and, over time, I developed my knowledge and started to work on more comprehensive IT solutions. As Adam mentioned, the recognition for the World Games application gave us the impetus to work together. It is worth specifying that, initially, we worked for different companies and realized our own projects after hours. We received a lot of inquiries and realized this could be a good start for a new company. This is how Studio Software was born.

2. Do you remember your first projects? What were the main challenges you had to face and how did you overcome them?

Adam: Yes, and we even reminisce about it sometimes. One of our very first projects, and, at the same time, one of the biggest challenges at the beginning of our journey was the creation of an e-commerce platform for the hydraulics industry. We were responsible for developing a complex solution (comprehensive platform design and creation) and integrating it with the external storage system. Fortunately, we were able to deliver a high-quality solution and our project received very positive feedback. What’s more, the platform is still in use. I think that the implementation of this project made us more confident, and influenced positively our attitude and ongoing plans – it really gave us a “kick” to develop the business. 

Karol: Yes, I remember that project and the challenges! Our team expanded, and we had to take on the role of managers and delegate tasks. It was our responsibility to make sure everything ran smoothly. We were lucky to find great people, who supported us and had the knowledge and skills. We wanted great communication and a positive atmosphere because this delivers innovative solutions and successful projects.

birthday party studio

3. What are your plans and goals for the future? What direction would you like Studio Software to take in software development?

Karol: We get great satisfaction from developing complex IT projects, and the goal is to strengthen our brand all the time. Although web development is our core area, we also specialize in delivering other comprehensive solutions such as cloud management, system integrations, and digital transformations. Our projects have already achieved some success in these fields, but the plan is to develop and deliver increasingly complex projects. We know that our exceptional people are behind the company’s success, and this is why we constantly invest in our team.

Adam: Exactly, we want Studio Software to be recognized as a great workplace for our employees and we keep on working to create such a place. I think that our strength is our people and their well-being is the key to great communication and cooperation. Everyone who works for Studio Software receives a wide range of benefits, including a self-development budget, free English classes, and more. Teams can participate in various training programs to keep up-to-date with the latest technology. What’s more, we believe in the work-life balance; we listen to feedback and make changes accordingly.

studio software team

4. Tell us more about your projects. Which one did you find the most interesting? inspiring? Which one are you most proud of?

Adam:  It’s difficult to point to only one project. Actually, we’re proud of all our projects. Each of them is inspiring and interesting in its own way. More importantly, our solutions bring significant benefits to our clients. Many projects have generated commercial success, which is a testimony to the high-quality of our work. Personally, I really like mentioning one of them – SetPin – dedicated software for remote access control. We created a web application that allows remote management of electronic locks and it is used to automate short-term property rentals. The application has great potential and is constantly evolving.

Karol: This project was also very interesting from a technical point of view. We created a comprehensive software and hardware solution that expanded our capabilities. SetPin has grown rapidly. It is now used in many hotels and apartments in Poland and continues to gain popularity.

5. You’ve cooperated with many startups. What advice would you give enterprises when it comes to starting a partnership with a software house? 

Karol: When it comes to choosing a software house, check the complexity of the services offered. At Studio Software we assist our clients at every stage of the project, which improves the entire process. It is worth checking whether a potential partner can advise in both business and technology. It is also crucial to work with a flexible and open-minded partner, who can adjust the scope of work to your special needs. What’s more, check the technology they use and for how long. You should also check with the portfolio to see if their projects are related to the fields you want to implement as well as their methodology.

Adam: I can add that visiting a potential partner and organizing a face-to-face meeting also helps a lot. We can talk openly about our expectations and observe how we get along, which helps to make a final decision about further cooperation. This kind of partnership is quite intense, so checking if the company you chose is trustworthy is a crucial aspect.

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