Fitme – The First Online Gym with Live Communication with the Trainer

Case study
Fitme — The First Online Gym with Live Communication with the Trainer
- Health
- SaaS
- Web Apps
The first online gym in the world, which allows two-way online live fitness classes run by the best trainers. Use the platform with dedicated video conference system both for individual trainings and group activities. Connect to your TV and a webcam and start your training – you will have a direct online video & audio connection with a trainer who can talk to you and correct every mistakes you make while exercising. Workout wherever you are!

+ 5
external apps integrated
+ 10
training types
+ 12
filter types
Deliver the first online gym worldwide
The purpose of the project was to create a platform for gym-goers to train similarly to gym conditions. Client wanted users to experience a group training atmosphere. Each session on our platform should live, the trainer can see all the participants and can speak to them, and all the participants can see the trainer as well.
How we helped Fitme unlock the potential
Our company developed customized software with an integrated live video transmission solution. We provided a solution that avoided licensing fees but still has high-quality videos. Moreover users have plenty of additional features that facilitate the use of the platform, keeps them motivated and well-trained.
Conducting Proof of Concept phase
Prototyping and designing the whole platform
Implementation of a web application
Developed live video transmission solution

Efficient Components
Key Features Delivered
Live video transmission solution
Custom-made video provider based on WebRTC and Kurento Media Server.
Digital Ocean Cloud integration
Dynamic Virtual Machines generator to maintain platform traffic.
Twilio Sendgrid integration
Possibility to inform users about all activities in the platform: training information, awards, progress.
Payment provider integration
The possibility of buying fitcoins - custom platform currency.
Training schedule module
Creating, editing and managing trainings and their schedule.
Accounting module for trainers
Work hours logging and settlements with trainers.