Duuoo – Seamless Performance Review Platform

Case study

Duuoo – Seamless Performance Review Platform

  • SaaS
  • Web Apps
Duuoo is a platform supporting employee development. The application allows you to plan and conduct effective 1 to 1 meetings and manage feedback in the workplace. Information gathered by the app gives you the possibility to set goals with OKRs, manage them throughout the organisation, and review results.
1000 +
users in a account of the largest platform customer
days for a project takeover
150 %
increase in employee productivity thanks to Duuoo


Boost people potential

Due to changes in our client’s staff at the end of 2017, we were asked to take over an existing project right away. As time was pressing, we organized a quick trip to Copenhagen (our client’s headquarters) where we conducted intensive 5-day workshops that resulted in transferring technological knowledge to our team. The platform could thus still be maintained and developed. 2018 brought another big challenge — AL Bank, the largest Danish bank, had joined the group of customers interested in Duuoo, and the success of closing the sale depended on the implementation of a high number of complex functionalities and integration. It required us to scale the team (which we did successfully) so that we could complete the implementation very quickly. Thanks to our intensive work paired with a well structured and efficient process we managed to acquire the largest Duuoo customer to date.


How we helped Duuoo unlock the potential


Thanks to a well organized and highly performing project team the transition and development of the project were smooth and successful. As a result of intensive work in an extremely short time, the Duuoo acquired its largest customer.
Project takeover in 5 days during intensive workshops at client’s headquarters in Copenhagen
Web application development
Adapting the application to the requirements of one of the largest Danish bank (Arbejdernes Landsbank)
Scaling a team in a short amount of time

Efficient Components

Key Features Delivered

Active Directory authentication
Authentication service based on ADFS, Amazon EC2 and Auth0.
Automated daily Bank Synchronizer
External service to create complete users profiles, setting them at correct teams.
Multiple workflow management
Manage meeting template, meeting path, follow up questions sequence, etc.
Goals management
Tracking individual and groups goals, division of goals into tasks, assigning tasks to users, task feedback functionality, tasks approval.

Stunning Technologies

Node.js / TypeScript / PostgreSQL / React / Redux / Auth0 / Active Directory Authentication / Sentry / PaperTrail / Heroku Cloud

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