WAGO – Product workshops helped get the complete picture of the application
WAGO is a world-renowned manufacturer of innovative electrical wiring connection components and comprehensive industrial and building automation solutions. The Polish branch is part of the international WAGO Group.
The client needed to create a product for a specific internal audience. The idea was to create a social application for electricians and electrical wholesalers, enabling them to share their work results in an internal network of specialists.

More clarification of how the application works and comprehensive technical analysis
Stakeholders of the client’s project prepared specified non-functional and business requirements for the project in the form of a particular document, which included ideas for project implementation. However, it did not have a detailed inventory of processes and technology requirements, so the client decided to collaborate on a product workshop. There was a need for more clarification of how the application works and comprehensive technical analysis.
As part of the pre-implementation analysis, we reviewed materials from the client that was sufficient to prepare for the product workshop. During this time, we focused on learning the available information and preparing paths possible for implementation based on stakeholder ideas.
Proceedings of the product workshops
The product workshop lasted three days and aimed at helping the client understand the application’s operation and project preparation for the development team. The various techniques used during the sessions facilitated understanding of the multiple stages of the application’s operation.
Discovery phase – Day 1
In this phase, we focused primarily on a thorough analysis of the target audience and needs research. During the discovery phase, we studied step by step the characteristics of the product and the needs of the users and determined the value we could deliver through the application.
Event Storming – Day 2
After gathering information about the product’s users, we created a visualization of the application’s processes. We analyzed its performance by examining the specific events that take place at each stage. For this purpose, the team of specialists was divided into three groups, each working on a particular functional area. We wrote down all events on colored cards showing the system’s operation path. Then the members of each group exchanged so that everyone got a complete picture of the project.
Sketching views – Day 3
On the next day, we worked with project views. Using the “Crazy Eights” method, we created simple sketches of the application’s views and, based on them, built a user flow diagram that defines how the user acts in the application.

Materials for the client

Key Results Delivered
I appreciate the ideas and experience they brought with them. As well as honesty with no sales chit chat.